Source code for amazoncaptcha.solver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module contains AmazonCaptcha instance and all the requiries for it.

    MONOWEIGHT (int): The bigger this number - the thicker a monochromed picture
    MAXIMUM_LETTER_LENGTH (int): Maximum letter length by X axis
    MINIMUM_LETTER_LENGTH (int): Minimum letter length by X axis
    SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES (list of str): Used when requesting a captcha url
        to check if Content-Type in the headers is valid


from .utils import cut_the_white, merge_horizontally, find_letter_boxes
from .exceptions import ContentTypeError

from PIL import Image, ImageChops
from io import BytesIO
import warnings
import requests
import json
import zlib
import os

    from import By
    By = None




[docs]class AmazonCaptcha(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, img, image_link=None, devmode=False): """ Initializes the AmazonCaptcha instance. Args: img (str or io.BytesIO): Path to an input image OR an instance of BytesIO representing this image. image_link (str, optional): Used if `AmazonCaptcha` was created using `fromdriver` class method. Defaults to None. devmode (bool, optional): If set to True, instead of 'Not solved', unrecognised letters will be replaced with dashes. """ self.img =, 'r') self._image_link = image_link self.devmode = devmode self.letters = dict() self.result = dict() package_directory_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) self.training_data_folder = os.path.join(package_directory_path, 'training_data') self.alphabet = [filename.split('.')[0] for filename in os.listdir(self.training_data_folder)]
@property def image_link(self): """ Image link property is being assigned only if the instance was created using `fromdriver` or `fromlink` class methods. If you have created an AmazonCaptcha instance using the constructor, the property will be equal to None which triggers the warning. """ if not self._image_link: warnings.warn("Seems like you are trying to pull out the image link while not having it.", Warning, stacklevel=2) return self._image_link
[docs] def _monochrome(self): """ Makes a captcha pure monochrome. Literally says: "for each pixel of an image turn codes 0, 1 to a 0, while everything in range from 2 to 255 should be replaced with 255". *All the numbers stay for color codes. """ self.img = self.img.convert('L') self.img = Image.eval(self.img, lambda a: 0 if a <= MONOWEIGHT else 255)
[docs] def _find_letters(self): """ Extracts letters from an image using found letter boxes. Populates 'self.letters' with extracted letters being PIL.Image instances. """ letter_boxes = find_letter_boxes(self.img, MAXIMUM_LETTER_LENGTH) letters = [self.img.crop((letter_box[0], 0, letter_box[1], self.img.height)) for letter_box in letter_boxes] if (len(letters) == 6 and letters[0].width < MINIMUM_LETTER_LENGTH) or (len(letters) != 6 and len(letters) != 7): letters = ['L', (200, 70)) for i in range(6)] if len(letters) == 7: letters[6] = merge_horizontally(letters[6], letters[0]) del letters[0] letters = [cut_the_white(letter) for letter in letters] self.letters = {str(k): v for k, v in zip(range(1, 7), letters)}
[docs] def _save_letters(self): """ Transforms separated letters into pseudo binary. Populates 'self.letters' with pseudo binaries. """ for place, letter in self.letters.items(): letter_data = list(letter.getdata()) letter_data_string = ''.join(['1' if pix == 0 else '0' for pix in letter_data]) pseudo_binary = str(zlib.compress(letter_data_string.encode('utf-8'))) self.letters[place] = pseudo_binary
[docs] def _translate(self): """ Finds patterns to extracted pseudo binary strings from data folder. Literally says: "for each pseudo binary scan every stored letter pattern and find a match". Returns: str: a solution if there is one OR 'Not solved' if devmode set to False OR a solution where unrecognised letters will be replaces with dashes """ for place, pseudo_binary in self.letters.items(): for letter in self.alphabet: with open(os.path.join(self.training_data_folder, letter + '.json'), 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as js: data = json.loads( if pseudo_binary in data: self.result[place] = letter break else: self.result[place] = '-' if not self.devmode: return 'Not solved' return ''.join(self.result.values())
[docs] def solve(self, keep_logs=False, logs_path='not-solved-captcha.log'): """ Runs the sequence of solving a captcha. Args: keep_logs (bool): Not solved captchas will be logged if True. Defaults to False. logs_path (str): Path to the file where not solved captcha links will be stored. Defaults to "not-solved-captcha.log". Returns: str: Result of the sequence. """ self._monochrome() self._find_letters() self._save_letters() solution = self._translate() if solution == 'Not solved' and keep_logs and self.image_link: with open(logs_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(self.image_link + '\n') return solution
[docs] @classmethod def fromdriver(cls, driver, devmode=False): """ Takes a screenshot from your webdriver, crops the captcha, and stores it into bytes array, which is then used to create an AmazonCaptcha instance. This also means avoiding any local savings. Args: driver (selenium.webdriver.*): Webdriver with opened captcha page. devmode (bool, optional): If set to True, instead of 'Not solved', unrecognised letters will be replaced with dashes. Returns: AmazonCaptcha: Instance created based on webdriver. """ png = driver.get_screenshot_as_png() element = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'img') image_link = element.get_attribute('src') location = element.location size = element.size left = location['x'] top = location['y'] right = location['x'] + size['width'] bottom = location['y'] + size['height'] img = img = img.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) bytes_array = BytesIO(), format='PNG') image_bytes_array = BytesIO(bytes_array.getvalue()) return cls(image_bytes_array, image_link, devmode)